Affiliates! Open Sites

Note: If you would like to be affiliates with HHP, click here.

Your one-stop site for everything about Spat and Harmony! Plenty of rare images and video clips, this site is definitely a gem ~

Closed sites...

A recently revived Hamtaro fansite by Jesse-chan! Though small, it looks very promising and original. You'll find lots of rare images in the galleries that I've tempted to take them for my own gallery XD. Have fun visiting and looking at the absolutely precious layout!

Anybody remember the Ham-Ham Kingdom, the largest Hamtaro site ever created? Well it's back, after webmistress Haru Megumi (formerly Megami) had a nostalgia trip and decided to rebuild the site. Unfortunately, she has decided not to put up any media, and even if she wanted to, a large majority of the site's files have been deleted. So it's a fresh start for the once legendary HHK!

New fansite, called Ham-Ham Friends! By Kitty_ham, this place has just been recoded into HTML, with a Hamtastic new look! :DD Be sure to check it out!

Passed Away...

Most of these don't work anymore.

Hamu-Hamu Love